Cosmetic Dentistry

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Beyond diagnosis and treatment of general dental problems, we offer a wide range of options for improving the look of your teeth:

Implants – Replace missing teeth with state-of-the-art implants that look and feel just like your own. This treatment also helps you maintain a healthy jawbone throughout the rest of your life.

Veneers – Thin porcelain shells are bonded to the fronts of teeth for reshaping and brightening.

Tooth Bonding – Minor front tooth defects, such as chips or spots. are repaired by carefully applied layers of resin and plastic which restore natural beauty.

Cosmetic Fillings – White fillings are visually undetectable, contain no mercury like the old silver fillings, and require less removal of tooth structure.

Crowns & Bridges – The traditional method for replacing one or more missing teeth: porcelain crowns, or ‘caps’, fit neatly over damaged teeth to hide imperfections; bridges provide support.

Invisible Braces – Say goodbye to metallic braces of old! We offer alignment solutions which are invisible to the eye.

Tooth Whitening – For brightening smiles, we offer a number of options, including the patented ‘deep bleaching’ method, which works by restoring your teeth’s natural ability to absorb oxygen.

Gum Recontouring – When portions of the gum must be removed or reshaped, we use modern laser diode techniques which mean less discomfort, no need for stitches, and quicker healing.